Future Events

The Medical Industrial Complex & Government - TBD

The Nature of the "Beast" - TBD

Knowing Truth vs. Faking Bullshit - TBD

You Think You Are Awake, Are You? - TBD

Scientism vs Science - TBD

Upcoming Events

Upcoming events are available to current subscribers - TheRoseChannel.com/Subscribe

Scientism VS The Scientific Method - Dates TBA

Total Financial War - Dates TBA

"Thinking Vs Fake Enlightenment" - Dates TBA

"The Medical Industrial Complex & Government" - Dates TBA

"Are you REALLY Awake?" - Dates TBA

Past Events

Recorded events are available to current subscribers - TheRoseChannel.com/Subscribe

Tiny Candles

available to current subscribers TheRoseChannel.com/Subscribe

An Expansion to Candles In The Dark Seminar

"Tiny Candles" explains how to plant seeds of thought

even in situations where a substantive discussion is impossible.

Available for current subscribers.

Candles in the Dark - TheRoseChannel.com/CITD

A Seminar To Free the World by Deprogramming Statists
The Most Dangerous Superstition is the belief in authority.

People think they can't talk about voluntaryism without being criticized, feeling frustrated, or having a negative reaction from the people around them. “Candles in the Dark” is a concentrated, in-depth, six-session educational course designed to help voluntaryists and anarchists be far more effective in their communications with the rest of the world

Available as a one-time purchase and is included for current subscribers.

Making Anarchy Mainstream - TheRoseChannel.com/Subscribe

Making Anarchy Mainstream is a 3 part series dedicated to how to communicate the WHY, WHAT, and HOW of Anarchy. Available now to all current subscribers.

If you want to purchase Making Anarchy Mainstream as a one-time purchase, e-mail [email protected] and ask for direct instructions.

Total Financial War - September 2024

The state is waging financial war on you.

They print money. Devaluing what you have.

They demand taxes. Stealing what is yours.

They don't even have the decency to say what they hoover up on income is enough so they come after you in different ways.

Are you ready to fight back against this tyranny?

Imagine getting the tools and knowledge you need to take control of your finances, especially with all the financial warfare being waged upon you. Taxation, inflation, and ever expanding government reach.

Total Financial War will teach you how these issues are impacting your wallet and, more importantly, what you can do about it.

Subscribers can login to view the event replay.

No True Anarchist - August 2024

No True Anarchist

"If you have a driver's license, then you're not a real anarchist!"

"If you're not a vegan, then you're not a real anarchist!"

"If you use money, then you're not a real anarchist!"

So, can there ever be a solid answer to what it means to be an anarchist?

...Yep! And this event answered exactly that.

Subscribers can login to view the event replay.

Tiny Candles - July 2024

Tiny Candles

If your goal is to spread the message of freedom, every now and then you might get a chance to have an in-depth discussion with someone willing to talk, and think. But what about all the hundreds of times when you have only a minute, or fifteen seconds, with some stranger?

Is there anything you could do or say, that would do any good? Well, you could blurt out, "All government is illegitimate and immoral!" But the likelihood of that doing any good is basically zero. So what is a voluntaryist to do? Just quietly allow the rest of the world to advocate their own subjugation?

"Tiny Candles" explains how to use some of the methods taught in "Candles in the Dark," along with other tricks and tactics, to try to plant seeds of thought even in situations where a substantive discussion is impossible.

This might be with some stranger you briefly meet and never expect to see again, or some acquaintance you see now and then, but never really talk to much, or some random person commenting on social media about something. If you assume that it's futile saying anything at all in such situations, or if you're frustrated that the things you try in such situations never seem to do any good, "Tiny Candles" can be of help!

Subscribers can login to view the event replay.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming events are available to current subscribers - TheRoseChannel.com/Subscribe

Scientism VS The Scientific Method - Dates TBA

Total Financial War - Dates TBA

"Thinking Vs Fake Enlightenment" - Dates TBA

"The Medical Industrial Complex & Government" - Dates TBA

"Are you REALLY Awake?" - Dates TBA

Past Events

Recorded events are available to current subscribers - TheRoseChannel.com/Subscribe

Tiny Candles

available to current subscribers TheRoseChannel.com/Subscribe

An Expansion to Candles In The Dark Seminar

"Tiny Candles" explains how to plant seeds of thought

even in situations where a substantive discussion is impossible.

Available for current subscribers.

Candles in the Dark - TheRoseChannel.com/CITD

A Seminar To Free the World by Deprogramming Statists
The Most Dangerous Superstition is the belief in authority.

People think they can't talk about voluntaryism without being criticized, feeling frustrated, or having a negative reaction from the people around them. “Candles in the Dark” is a concentrated, in-depth, six-session educational course designed to help voluntaryists and anarchists be far more effective in their communications with the rest of the world

Available as a one-time purchase and is included for current subscribers.

Making Anarchy Mainstream - TheRoseChannel.com/Subscribe

Making Anarchy Mainstream is a 3 part series dedicated to how to communicate the WHY, WHAT, and HOW of Anarchy. Available now to all current subscribers.

If you want to purchase Making Anarchy Mainstream as a one-time purchase, e-mail [email protected] and ask for direct instructions.

The Rose Channel is Produced by Anarchy.Media

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